Breast. No Bottle.

To nurse, or not to nurse: that is not the question!

Notions of Breastfeeding. 2011/2050.

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What does “I breastfed my child” mean today? Did I nurse my baby at the breast? Did I feed her breastmilk? Did somebody else feed my milk to her?

The focus on breastmilk is so strong today, that many don’t see a difference between nursing at the breast and feeding breastmilk. We created a market for breastmilk. We are willing to invest in its production, for example, offer a tax credit for a purchase of a breastpump.

Our thinking, talking, and doing is based on the notion that breastfeeding=breastmilk. This is wrong.


The wonder of nursing is the mother who nourishes her baby. Not with her milk. Not with her breast. Not with her brain. Not with her body. Not with her soul. A whole mother undivided nourishes her baby with more than milk.

I can bore you with quantitative or qualitative research, but this will defeat the point. Can one measure wonder, fun, joy, love, charity, devotion, reconciliation, doubt, and perseverance?

Invest in mothers! Not in breastpumps!

“Breastfeeding 2011. Breastfeeding 2050” beautifully drawn by Tanja Russita is my hope for the future.

Written by Breast. No Bottle

March 1, 2011 at 20:04

Posted in Other

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To nurse, or not to nurse: that is not the question!

Breast. No Bottle.

To nurse, or not to nurse: that is not the question!